Wednesday, June 16, 2010


So yesterday I might have said that today we were going to Olympus. You know, the mountain where all the Greek gods live? Wrong. We weren't even going to Olympia (where we're going tomorrow). We went to Delphi.

1. I am afraid of heights. No one decided to tell me that Delphi is WAY up in the mountains, or that our bus driver was going to careen through the mountain passes like a bat out of hell.

2. It is hotter than the Mojave here, and humid too. Who in their right mind would have chosen to live here thousands of years ago, when they had to walk here, when there was no air conditioning, and then would have athletic games in the height of summer?

3. For some reason, EVERYWHERE in Greece uses marble on their sidewalks, and that means that after years and years of wear, the marble is super slippery, which means that Rachel falls and almost smooshes her camera to pieces.

4. A restaurant that we went to had this menu:

And had none of the food offered on said menu. Notice the spelling.

5. A map of where Delphi is in Greece:

6. There are so many giant bugs and crickets that I feel like Godzilla has to come out of somewhere to fight them.

Anyway, the actual site of Delphi is pretty cool, I just wish all of the above mentioned things that suck didn't have to happen. We also went to the Delphi Museum, which has some of the artifacts found there. There were some helmets and shields that would have been in the depositories, and other artifacts made of bronze. Also, The Charioteer statue is there.

Delphi redeemed at dinner.

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