This morning we left Pylos, and drove to Kalamata. On the way, we stopped at the Kalamata museum, which we weren't allowed to take photos in. Actually, the people working there followed us around the entire place, making sure we didn't lick the glass or anything.
I noticed these spraypaint pictures everywhere around the museums:
Our hotel here is literally on the beach. When we got in, we had lunch and then a discussion about the Trojan War and Heracles.
Here's the view from our balcony.
Sorry I didn't take more pictures today! I didn't bring my camera down to the beach because I was working on my next report, about Helen, and I wanted to focus. Tomorrow I'll take more! Well, depending on where we go.
I'm really missing American things. Olive Garden, hamburgers, English, snacks, American electrical outlets, toilets that you can flush the toilet paper in, creepy men with unibrows not staring at you all the time, people sized showers, free internet everywhere, Dr Pepper, being able to use debit, credit, big bills, knowing where things are, family, friends, mom, dad, boyfriend...
Mainly food stuff : )
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